Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Harper LOVES music. In the last couple of weeks, she has really started to pick up on songs. Of course, she likes some more than others. Here is a rundown of what Harper is singing these days:
  • Wheels on the Bus---She does some of the motions (wipers) but only sings "all through" which sounds like ahhh foo. "The wheels on the bus go round and round...." Then I point to her and she says, "ahhhh foo" and I finish "the town"!
  • Ants Go Marching--She claps, stomps around, and says the "Boom boom boom boom" part. It is absolutely precious!
  • The Clean-Up Song--She loves this and sings it ALL the time. She'll just be playing or sitting in her car seat singing "Up, up, up up". Maybe this is a sign that she's going to be mama's helper!

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